
Content Strategy

Five Ways Excite To Your Audience

5 Ways To Excite Your Audience

Before we dive into how to draw your audience in with your content. I want to get something off my chest about “engagement”. Everyone and their mothers talks about how you need to ENGAGE your audience.

You need to create ENGAGING content.

You need to ENGAGE your audience to Like your posts.

You need ENGAGEMENT on your social media.

Yada, yada, yada.

Let’s stop for a moment and think about what the word “engagement” really means.

According to “engagem…

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6 Awesome Writing Rituals To Try Today


Today, I’m going to talk about writing rituals and how they can help you become more consistent with creating your content.

So, let’s start with the obvious question: 

What is a writing ritual? 

“A writing ritual is a specific action (or series of actions) done in a particular order to help you get into a creative (or meditative) state of mind that’s conducive to writing valuable content in a productive manner.” - Professor Aliza Stein

Ok, that was wordy. But you get the gist…

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5 Writing Tips For Non-Writers

5-writing-tips-for-non-writers_A Freaking Great Company

As a business owner, you’re required to wear a lot of different hats.

And one of those hats is labeled “Content Creator”. Regardless, of the medium or media in which you share your content, one thing remains the same. You still have to WRITE something in order to create content.

But what if you suck at writing?

For a lot of business owners, writing isn’t their forte.

But you and I both know the importance of content in your marketing.

Obviously, this can be a scary and poten…

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