Why You Suck At Marketing And Promoting


God, I wish I could live my Snapchat filtered, Instagram feed on my Facebook life.

But that's not reality. But a lot of people seem to think like that.

So, today let's talk about misconceptions versus real life.

What crazy misconceptions do you have about your business?

The biggest misconception business owners have is thinking that marketing, promoting and selling are all the same thing.

Spoiler alert! They are not.

A huge part of what I do is educating the people who trust me with their business on the differences between the three.

Why? Because it helps them (and will help you) market, promote and sell better (and easier).

Before we get into it, let's define what these terms mean so we have a common understanding.

I've seen business coaches use these terms interchangeably and that's where the confusion begins.

Marketing: The way you get your name out there; letting them become aware of your name.

Promoting: Letting people know you have something for sale.

Selling: A transaction in which a sale occurs.

Got it? Good!

Now, let's see how these pieces fit into your business.

Marketing: You market your business when you share content, answer questions in communities, and when you tell people what you do / who you are. Marketing proceeds promoting because it lays down the foundation of getting folks to know/like/trust you.

Word to the wise...you're always marketing your business.

Promoting: You are promoting when you tell people you have something to sell. Or when you are asking them to give you something (like an email address) in exchange for something you offer. Launches are urgency-based, short-term promotions. The difference between marketing and promoting is that with promoting you are asking for something in exchange

Selling: Is the brief exchange where a sales transaction has occurred. Your client clicks the PayPal link to buy, they pay the fee, you receive the funds, and then you deliver. Boom. You just sold to someone.

Easy peasy, right?

Doing good? Great!

Now, let's see how these pieces behave in the wild of online business.

Marketing: Like I said before, you are always marketing. The purpose of marketing is to let people know you're in business and to raise your brand's awareness with your audience. Sharing your content (social media graphics, newsletters, blog posts, opt-in freebies) is marketing. Being active and present in Facebook groups (answering questions, being helpful, being engaged) is marketing. The key to successful marketing is of course - being consistent.

Ex: “ Hi, I'm Aliza. I help business owners make smarter decisions so they create better businesses so that they make more money.

To accomplish this I share content that demystifies a lot of the areas that give business owners the most trouble like: marketing, content, copywriting, brand positioning and putting their offers together. ”

Promoting: As I mentioned earlier, marketing proceeds promotion. After your audience has gotten to know, like and trust you THEN it's appropriate to make an offer that requires monetary compensation or an email address.

Ex: “ Hi! Aliza, again. Now that you know me, like me and trust me. I would like to let you know that I have a wonderful paid offer that will help you.

It's called Super Awesome Product/Program/Service.

It has these benefits and features.

It's $100 bux and you can buy it here. ”

Did you see that? I just promoted to you and I wasn't sleazy about it.

The trouble business owners get into with promotions is that they feel the pressure to make their audiences know/like/trust AND pitch them an offer all in one shot.

This why you feel sleazy. Because you feel have to CONVINCE your peeps in three sentences WHY they should know/like/trust you enough to give you their money.

But imagine how much easier it would be to promote your offer if you already had built-in trust over the course of a steady stream of daily social media posts and a few newsletters?

Loads easier right? Now, back to examples. 

Selling: They complete the steps necessary to purchase your offer. You deliver on your promise.

Ex: “ Thank you for purchasing my Super Awesome Product/Program/Service with your moolah. Here it is. Enjoy. Xoxo, Aliza. ”

The end.

That wasn’t so scary was it?

Now, that you know the differences between marketing, promoting, and selling you will now be able to make better decisions regarding each of them.

No more sucky feelings about marketing or promoting.

Ultimately, this will help you make more money in your business.

Post in the comments below and tell me how this blog post helped you.

- Aliza

P.S. I’ll be teaching the content strategy class, Content Love & More, where we will creating your content strategy from start to finish. This class will be focusing on the different types of content, creating a unifying theme among your blog posts, newsletters, and social media graphics, putting your editorial calendar together, creating an opt-in freebie that is worth a damn and crafting your email list autoresponders together.

As a *bonus* you will also get 5 content “cheat sheet” templates PLUS email copywriting scripts so you never get stuck with HOW to write your blog posts or newsletters again. The next session begins May 2021. Click HERE to get on the notification list. 



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